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Is Sitting the New Smoking? 10 Postures of Rest to Combat Poor Posture

We've all heard that sitting is the new smoking. And as work has shifted to the digital space people do a LOT of sitting these day. Although there may be some truth to it, there are many postures of rest we can utilize to ensure our sedentary lifestyles do not negatively affect our posture. Before getting into our 10 best postures of rest lets first touch on whether sitting is better for you than standing. A common new trend among working professionals is standing at their desk. Breaking free of the seated cubicle lifestyle has changed the design of many workspaces which now include standing desks. Do these standing features negate the negatives of sitting in an office chair? Not entirely, in fact it is remaining in a sedentary position that is the issue regardless of standing or sitting. Keeping your body in one of Rooted in M.V.M.N.T's 10 best postures of rest can help negate the negative effects and help you maintain great posture!

Let's dive in with a quick video demonstration by our very own Coach Paige Fleischmann!


1) Supine/Prone 

Our first few positions are that require you to be laying either directly on the ground of preferably a softer yoga roll. These are great positions of posture to take the pressure of compression off of your spine and allow your muscles to relax. 

2) Side Lying

Side lying is advantageous when taking an extended rest. Although the mentioned lying positions are most useful outside of the office they are great ways to reset your body. Some businesses have gone about bringing in 15 minute relaxation classes during working hours and this posture can greatly reduce stress. 

3) Toe Sit

A toe sit can be utilized when working from home and wanting to maintain a more forward and attentive posture. This posture activates the tendons in your feet as well! Excellent for work from home set ups that allow a flexible set up. 

4) Japanese Sit

Japanese sit can be utilized for an extended period of time and is typically the most comfortable posture of rest to use. This posture can be used when demonstrating an activity to young ones. Use the Japanese sit instead of the all fours prone position to reduce pressure on your knees! 

5) Long Sit 

A long sit helps fully extend your lower body and take pressure off of your hamstrings and lower back that would occur from extended sitting in an office chair or couch. This position helps relieve the legs from the cramped and "tucked" position which happens when sitting in an office chair. 

6) Tailor Sit

The tailor sit is a more relaxed posture but also one that helps add rotation and flexibility to your hips. This is a great positions to utilize during long video calls on your computer. Bringing about flexibility in our hips throughout the day will help our mobility especially for aging individuals.  

7) Cross-Legged

Cross-legged posture is extremely well known especially among people who practice meditation. This posture allows for the body to feel balanced and centered. Deep breathing and focus go hand in hand with the cross-legged posture.

8) Half lotus

The half lotus posture resembles the cross-legged position however the legs are in a slightly different "tucked" position in a half lotus. Noticing the difference between half lotus and cross-legged positions doesn't only happen visually, but physically. You will notice a bit more practice and flexibility is needed to achieve a comfortable half lotus. 

9) SIde sit

The side sit is an excellent way to mix up the position of our lower body while still remaining "seated". Here you will notice one leg forward in front of the body and the other behind. This is an excellent way to rotate your lower body and activate your hip flexors. 

10) Full Squat

A full squat is a very flexible posture, pun intended. It can be used in between sets during workouts or throughout the course of the work day to activate lower body muscles. This posture can also be used as a parameter for one's balance and strength as this position can be difficult to hold for individuals lacking strength and mobility. 


Hopefully these positions can help guide you through the day while helping you realize the importance of movement and posture rather than what sedentary position you are in. The Rooted IN M.V.M.N.T coaching approach helps our clients take a holistic approach to medicine and account for all aspects of their daily life not just the time spent in sessions with our staff. If you are looking for a personalized approach to training and recovery reach out to the Rooted IN M.V.M.N.T team today! 



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