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The Best Way to Improve Shoulder Workouts, Relieve Pain, and Spring Announcements!

Improving Your Shoulder Workouts

We have a pretty big handful of clients and patients that come through our doors that need help with their shoulder issues. Neck and nerve impingements, shoulder blade function, tight traps, rotator cuff pain, tendonitis - there's a lot that can go wrong with your shoulder due to the large of degree of freedom the arms possess, but there's usually a common theme as to why these people haven’t seen any good results from other health practitioners or body workers. We know that where the pain is is NOT where the problem is and it’s why we focus on Root cause solutions. 

It’s why we created a new digital course product just for you. If you have been struggling to get out of pain and are looking to improve your shoulder strength, mobility and stability, then you will want to download this new course. In this latest shoulder course, Dr. Matt will guide you through the anatomy of the shoulder, provide self-assessments and then demonstrate the exercises he recommends to restore shoulder function based on your presentations. 


Don't let shoulder pain steal your quality of life.


Wanna Stay Up to Date??  Enroll In Our Newsletter Today!

Who doesn’t love a totally strange message from a stranger about something completely random?

Well ok, So maybe Rooted in MVMNT is not a stranger to you, and in fact our 2023 newsletter is anything but random… 

Did you know that Coach Paige has been giving it her blood, sweat and tears to get all the content right for your monthly digital drip of all things M.V.M.N.T.?  Behind closed doors she is curating a deeply well thought out approach to our newsletter that even the ocean is getting jealous of her. HAHA get it? Ocean, deep… perhaps her dry and witty humor hasn’t got you R.O.T.F.L. 

In all seriousness she does prefer to make some mistakes and tiny errors rather than faking perfection, which is what we’re all about here at Rooted in M.V.M.N.T. So the truth is that the newsletter is evolving month to month as she fills it up with more topics related to preventative medicine and health & wellness.  We would love to make it into your inbox with all the other things you enjoy reading. Promise for now, it’s just 1x/month. You can handle that right?


Rooted in M.V.M.N.T Newsletter


 Giveaway Time!!

What is the second most dangerous thing you can do next to drunk driving? Driving while sleep deprived … Did you know Mythbusters did an episode on this? 

To test this claim, the MythBusters stayed up for 30 hours and drove two courses– one with plenty of quick stops, turns and parallel parking and the other with 25 laps on a track.

Comparing their sleep deprived drives to those that involved taking several shots of liquor to reach a “buzzed” level, they surprisingly drove 10 times worse when tired than under the influence of alcohol.

It’s why Dr. Matt and Coach Paige relentlessly coach on this topic. We believe that rest, repair, and restore is the single most beneficial way to overcome the negative effects of stress. If your sleep is suffering, everything from trying to solve problems at work, finding motivation to workout, and maintaining energy throughout the day will be compromised. So to help we wanted to do a little giveaway. Enter your email to be selected to win a private restorative yoga session with Coach Paige. 



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